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A group of runners run across a steamy bridge at Taraweara Ultramarathon.

Running Injuries Prevention - Education Evening!!


We are running an education evening on Monday the 4th December from 7pm - 8.30pm. Cost $10 for non- beyond members.

The evening is a talk with some practical elements also which will provide best evidence of how you can build your running and prevent injuries.

The event is limited to about 20ppl as we will need some space for practical part.

The workshop covers a list of topics.


• Training load versus tissue capacity

• How physio can help

• Largest risk factors for running

• Training errors which lead to injury

• Running styles

• Strength conditioning planning to avoid running injuries


• Run capacity testing

• Run flexibility testing

• Run movement control testing

• Gait retraining

• Landing mechanics

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Feel a part of our community whilst getting the results you want. Whether you are starting from scratch, returning from an injury or just need a change of environment.

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